Friday, June 17, 2005

Presenting - Emperor Penguin

I had my first Improv Olympic West show two days ago. It was at 11:30 at night. I was not really sure how we would do, because we have only rehearsed three times. I was really nervous. I have not done long form improv like this in a long time. I have been doing improv at L.A. Connection Comedy theater, but it is not the same thing. That being said, we had an AWESOME show. The people in my group are incredibly talented and I feel like I am rusty and need to get better in a hurry.

The Reverend and Rockstar were both nice enough to come and see me perform. It was really cool because even though it was really late at night, we had about 75 people in the audience. It was a nice change of pace from the 10 we usually get at the other theater. I don't think I did that bad, but I could feel myself hesitating and not going with my instincts like I have in the past. It is just something that I have to get over and I will with time.

Our show was almost 18 minutes long which is pretty short for an improv show, but we were awesome. We were funny and smart and we got out leaving the audience wanting more and our coach very happy with us. I think this is going to be a good time.

After the show I had a Bryan moment. I didn't know if the bar was going to still be open so I told Reverend and Rockstar to go home. I was walking out the the lobby/bar with the team and just as we entered that bar area I said "Does anyone want to get a beer to celebrate?". Just as I said that every member of my team had split off and gone to great people who had come to see them. So I was standing in an area with only our coach and it looked like I was talking to no one. I kind of looked at the coach and he kind of looked at me and he said "I'm gonna take off" and then walked towards the door. I didn't want to intrude into any of the conversations that members of my team were having so I just left also. Then I felt like such a loser that I had to walk a different way to my car because my coach was walking the usual way and I didn't want him to think I was following him.

I kind of felt like an idiot, but still really proud of our show.


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